What symptoms of sunburn should you see a doctor about?

Sunburn can be severe and even dangerous. When you have the following symptoms of sunburn, you should consult a doctor immediately.
- Severe pain in the skin area
- The skin blistered and was severely damaged.
- The body is dehydrated.
- Have a fever
- Headache, dizziness, like fainting
- stomach ache
- numb
What causes a sunburn?
The sun’s ultraviolet (UV) rays can damage the skin’s outermost layers (called the epidermis) and cause an inflammatory reaction. This is what makes your skin red and hot to the touch.
Melanin is a natural skin pigment that gives your skin color. It absorbs some UV radiation from the sun and can protect it from a certain amount of damage. Genetics determines how much melanin you make, and those with less of it, including https://ufabet999.app fair-skinned people, tend to burn more easily. While those with more melanin might tan more. But a sunburn can happen any type of skin. Especially after prolonge, unprotect sun exposure.
What are the different types of sunburns?
A first-degree sunburn may make your skin color turn anywhere from light pink to bright red, and it will be painful to the touch. With this type of burn, the upper layers of the skin are affecte. And the burn should heal within a few days.
A second-degree sunburn, which is more serious, causes the skin to become severely red, swollen, and blistered. Because the dermis deeper skin layer. And nerve endings have damage. This type is more painful and could take about two weeks to heal.
With second-degree burns, blisters may form due the damage. The inflicts on the connections between the epidermis and dermis. Do not pop the blisters. This could impede healing and lead to infection if the dermis is expose. Allowing bacteria to enter. Signs of infection include oozing pus or red streaks on the skin radiating from the blisters.
Sunburned skin, what are the symptoms?
Basic sunburn
Sunburned skin at this level will have mild symptoms, including swelling and redness for 3-5 days, after which the skin will gradually peel off.
Moderate sunburn
Moderate will have pain, inflamed skin, swelling, redness, and stinging. Symptoms last for about 1 week. After which the skin will gradually peel off to create new skin cells to replace it.
Severe sunburn
Severe will have severe inflammation, blisters, pain, and burning. If your is severe, you should see a doctor for treatment.