Know about illness anxiety disorder Afraid of having a serious illness

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Know about illness anxiety disorder Afraid of having a serious illness.

Have you ever been? Feeling like you have a serious illness all the time If you have just the slightest abnormality in your body, you must see a doctor immediately. And even though I went to the doctor ten times and the doctor couldn’t find any disease.

I still don’t believe it!! Worry that you will be sick anyway. If anyone is familiar with this symptom, like yourself or someone close ยูฟ่าเบท to you is experiencing it, it may “Illness Anxiety Disorder” (Illness Anxiety Disorder) sometimes called “Thinking sick” Which causes suffering from not being able to control one’s worries and may cause annoyance to those around you.

Get to know What is anxiety about getting sick?

This illness-related anxiety disorder was originally called Hypochondriasis in the DSM-IV diagnostic criteria. In the current psychiatric diagnosis (DSM-5), the term  illness  anxiety disorder is used. is a disease that arises from Anxiety of the patient towards some or many physical symptoms Worried about getting a serious disease or dying Stress and fear of getting a serious disease, for example, when you have a stomach ache, you worry that you will get a serious disease such as liver cancer, colon cancer, or when you have a headache. I’m worried that I have a brain tumor. 

Anxiety about illness, or the thought of being sick, often causes patients to behave in response to their own worries, such as checking information about their symptoms on the internet. Or go to the hospital to see many doctors frequently or multiple hospitals to request repeated physical examinations or special examinations.

Symptoms of illness anxiety disorder

Symptoms of illness anxiety disorder are caused by the patient’s anxiety about their own illness. Patients will have the feeling that they are really sick, not faking it. Which arises from the subconscious mind The symptoms will have different levels of severity. Some people may have anxiety symptoms from illness that are severe enough to affect their daily life. But some cases may not have had much of an impact yet. The patient usually exhibits the following symptoms:

  • Preoccupied with thoughts of being sick or having some serious disease.
  • Worrying more than usual about symptoms that have not yet occurred or have only occurred slightly
  • Too much concern about genetic diseases that run in families.
  • Be alert about your own physical health.
  • Talk with others about their own health and possible illnesses.
  • Research on the internet about possible symptoms or diseases.
  • Don’t trust the information or test results obtained from seeing a doctor. Visiting the doctor again more than 2 times or avoiding seeing the doctor due to fear of the test results
  • Concerns have been present for at least 6 months in a row.
  • Fear of illness that is not related to another disorder or illness.
  • Avoid places or activities that are at risk of getting sick.